no redemption
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"She's a wild heart"

As she looked at him through her yellow eyes, Svara knew she could never love him the way he deserved. What she had told Firefly had been true. She missed him, her father, and Leroy wasn't the man that would replace him. He hadn't taken away the pain, he hadn't even duled it. He didn't deserve her yoyo games of love and hate, or the complete torture of saying she loved a man that almost killed her. Not that she loved Haku anymore. She loved her father, and she thought she could make Haku his replacement. Svara found she couldn't, and that was fine, so he wasn't the one. There was someone that was.

"I am to damn stuborn. To fucking stuborn to keep doing this to you." Her face was strong and her nose was pressed against his, breathing in his hot, but sweet scent. If she could, she would make it end here. This wasn't something that should have started. Svara should have known from the begining that he wasn't going to make it right. Pulling back out of his grasp she stood at her full height. Her slim but curvacious body rittled with the wounds she had just recevied. Svara's face was stern and her yellow eyes strong and she gazed at him."Leroy. I don't want to be your mate anymore." She would end it here or he was going to find a lot more heart ache.


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