Exploring the new borders
Willow was happy to be around someone so fun, like Tanya was. When the blonde wolf began laughing, Willow couldn't resist joining in. The frenzy began once more. She didn't even know what was so funny anymore, which made her laugh louder. It seemed impossible to stop. Tanya had an aura of joy that was contagious. Willow hadn't smiled like the way she did with Tanya since her brother was around. Her brother...

At the thought of her brother, Willow slowly stopped laughing, and her smile faded quickly. Her brother had left after their mother had died, and it had broken Willow. She had been so close to him. She loved him dearly. She had been sure that he'd loved her too, but his absense was enough evidence to prove otherwise. Willow's breathing shortened. Why had he left? What had she done to make him leave her all alone?

"Why?" Willow said, barely audible.

As the words were spoken, Willow smapped out of her thoughts, and back to reality. Looking over towards Tanya, Willow smoothly evaded any questions. "Sorry about that. I was just thinking about my acceptance into the pack. Speaking of which, how'd you get in?" Willow smiled a convincing grin, but it wasn't real.

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