Exploring the new borders
Willow just sat there in the dark as Tanya spoke. Even afterwards, Willow just sat their, trying desperately to get the image of her brother, who was a pale brown, out of her mind. His voice echoed the one thing she had heard him say most often, "Even when the world ends, I'll still love you." But it was a lie. Or he'd be here now, taking care of her and keeping her safe. Finally, Willow had to break the silence. She couldn't bare it anymore.

"I really am sorry. That's only happened once before. I'm getting better. I just...you wouldn't understand. It's silly, and complicated. I haven't smiled and laughed like that since my brother left. When he left, it just maked me so angry; so lost, that I direct that anger at whoever touches me. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry. If you never speak to me again, I understand. That was stupid. I'm sorry." Growling at herself and her stupidity, silent tears began to stain willow's fur. She slid the dagger out of it's holster, and turned it, the silver blade glistening in the moonlight. Her brother had helped her understan what it was, through man's books. He'd even used books to help her try to use it, even though it was difficult. It was all she had to remember him. Soon, Willow would have to find him. Just to know if he still loved her.

"Are you okay? I mean, besides the headache? Anything else hurt? Wrists? Back? Neck? I really am sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't mean it at all. Really, you seem like a wonderful girl

Digging the blade into the ground, Willow hoisted herself up and yanked it out as she rose. Walking over to the blonde wolf, she held a hand out to help her up. "You don't have to accept it if you don't want to."

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