I am as sweet as candy

OoC: Nuu, I need to get poked in order to reply faster. ;P And I'm enjoying this thread, too!

She waltzed away from him again, turning her head so that all he saw were the ripples of her dark mane, her beautiful eyes obscured. Hers was an elusive dance, a catch-me-if-you-can. He wanted to catch her... but she was smoke in his claws. "Sweets... Wine is sweet, if you need to wet your tongue," he purred, trying to capture her fancy again. Perhaps he was predictable, a drunk trying to return to a bar, but what other sweets could he offer her? Surely the rats of the city had claimed any decent food years ago, long before the coastal storms had blown in all the windows, and weeds had cracked the streets. Plus, her dance would falter and slow as she sank to his level of intoxication, and then she would tease him no longer... or would that ruin the fun he was having now?

His ears flicked belatedly as the fat raindrop spattered on the pavement, the dark clouds knitting together to block the light above them. Was it too late for drinks? The rain was fierce here, judging by the storm that had wrenched his ship to pieces out on the open sea. The collie-hybrid caught his breath as the enchantress immediately drew closer again, her warm fingers closing around his large hand. Contact. "We can't have that, eh, ma jolie? Your petals would become battered and bruised in the winds of the storm. Let me shelter you." His deep voice murmured, fingers shifting to interlace with hers. A more intimate grip, harder to slip away from. He was at his most clever when fueled by drinks, or so his mind told him.

The cool scent of rain blew in on the breeze, promising to drench them if he did not hurry. Urgently, excitedly, the Optime's dark eyes swept the street, gaging each dilapidated building before them. He could not read the signs, so after a moment of pretending to ponder, he moved towards a brick-walled restaurant, pulling lightly for his ruby-eyed consort to follow. It did not really matter if they did get wet in the storm - perhaps they would even watch the lightning - but it was all part of the game. "Come on," he barked playfully, gesturing towards the collapsed window out front. It would be easy to jump inside without even struggling with the locked door.




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