let me live

Her sea colored orbs met the vibrant purple ones of the older girl. Cambria hadn't seen anyone with eyes that color before, it was so neat! It had to make Mati feel really special. It was good to feel special. The pup liked it anyway. "Okies!" she said, plopping her bottom down on the ground. She grinned, feeling more stable, and looked back up, her tail brushing against the grass and flowers. "I likes your eyes Matis. Theys so preddies!" Purple was a good color. She liked that color. It looked especially good against Mati's fur. It complimented her brown coat very nicely. Dandelions. That was a silly name! She liked it though. "Dan-dee-ly-oons." Her gaze looked back to the yellow ones. "Wooooow! Weallies?" How did that happen? Was it magic?

Mati took the book out from under her arm and Cambria slowly took steps closer so she could see better. "Whas an' artists?" The girl had never heard that word before, at least not to her knowledge. The first page that was revealed didn't look like anything. A bunch of scribbles on the white paper. But when that page was flipped the pup's eyes grew wider with fascination. It was a picture of two deer in the woods, even the young girl could recognize that. "Did you dwaweded dat Matis?? Is so good!" She placed her paws upon the wolfess' leg and peered closely at the drawing. It was amazing. She had never seen anything like it ever. "You is...wat dey says....tawenteds?" She thought that was the right word.


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