the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing

Occ: Yep^^ I'm between those because I'm not sure if it would be more relfected to his behaviour, or it should contrast with him... what do you think?

Catherine smiled to hear the wolf male greeting the moody snake. The snake nodded slowly, replying his greeting. It seemed like they could convive with each other, if the woman and that man happened to meet again and the reptile be wiht them. It felt good as well, to notice the male wasn't afraid of Saw. "Don't get too excited, Catherine" the snake said, the hissy voice disturbed. She laughed inside.

Yes, they are. Even more in the start, when you are still learning about him or her. Believe me, they can be very difficult to understand them, she said, warning him, By her own experience, it even got to be annoying, not know who Saw really was by inside. Even until now, he was still mysterious. She could hope that the male wouldn't have to pass through such difficulty at knowing his Spirit Guide.


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