fright night

It wasn't that he had a weak stomach or that it bothered him when he saw something dead, but the sight of the skulls resting inside the cells gave him an odd feeling. The whole atmosphere was working against him, it seemed, from the howling winds outside to the cold feeling that chilled him right to the bone. His nose wrinkled up each time he passed by a skull or a bone, quickly making his way in the opposite direction. Even worse than being in such a creepy place by himself was the fact that he didn't want to go back out into the wind and the frightening night. A scaredy cat, of course.

Through the howling of the wind Jasper could hear steps, but each time he turned to look over his shoulder he saw nothing. Growing increasingly paranoid now, his pace quickened and, instead of doing the smart thing and going back the other way, he was heading deeper into the prison. A voice came then, rather suddenly, and Jasper almost jumped out of his skin. Feet left the floor and his whole body shook, spinning around in a flash to meet his doom. It was then that he realized just who it was, the same girl that had scared him out of his skin before, and his whole posture dropped.

"Helloo." He called back to her, shuffling a few steps back in her direction. From what he could tell, she didn't seem at all bothered by the atmosphere, which made him feel a bit better. Just a very small bit. Though he couldn't admit it aloud even if he wanted to, he was glad to not be alone anymore.


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