sometimes, the sun shines

Hatred, like anger, was something he had grown weary of. They were easy things to toss around, easy things to believe in, but in the end, it took far too much energy to maintain the feelings and he found himself letting them go. Some would mark it as a sign of maturity, but letting go of some emotions only gave him more room for others. Perhaps that was where and why the schism had appeared in the first place; emotions were more volatile than intentions and easier to divide down the center. No one was good or evil, only varying ranges of neutrals, but moods and feelings could be selected and separated like colored marbles in probability bags.

She does want her father, he repeated blearily. There was a mirthless grin for a fraction of a second before melting away again, But if he's gone for good, I'd like to keep it that way. Ryoujoku was not dead in the fact that the laughter still echoed sometimes in the back of his head, but whatever the monster was seemed to have weakened enough that Laruku remained in control much more often than not these days. I'm not what she wants. In that sense, he wondered if it would really be better if the other had ended up the dominant creature after all? Except if Ryoujoku had remained that day, they would both be long dead.

Do you have any cigarettes? He leaned forward and rubbed his forehead with a sigh.


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