Older dreams and deeper nightmares
Shorter responses since they're in battle? Sorry for the delay, work+a shared writing project=time consumed <<

The nightmare moved lithely, sliding under her first slash with all the sleek grace of an adder. For such a tall creature, it was an impressive feat, done so smoothly as to elicit chills. The monster's confidence was unshakable. The blow could have killed it then and there, but there was no panic, no quaver or flinch of fear; its mind was possessed of only one goal, and her death was at the forefront of that single focus. Her back-slash, however, came fast and strong, and the yielding body of the beast answered the sword's path with a splash of red. One fearsome claw, at the end of a long arm, darted out in a quick arc of its own, seeking to rip her face, to take her eyes or tear the side of her neck...claws like its own could take a throat or an artery as readily as a set of fangs. Regardless of the success of this attack, the nightmare wolf retreated two strides, easily leaving the effective range of her blade.

The two white orbs glowed with the reflected light of the sun, scattered between thick, gnarled branches. Dark blood dripped from his upper arm down into the slime. It began to circle her, to come at the hill from the side. If it took the high ground from her, it saw an opportunity to drive her into the bog. There, it would murder her in the slick, watery murk. Parts of the bog ran deep. It could even hide the blade here, after it was done. Its calculations came up short, however. The hill could only be approached from one side. If she saw the danger as it did, she would bar its passage, strafing alongside it to ensure that she kept him in his poor footing. Malros had not seen that danger, but had still won the fight. The deep water at the far side of the hill, however, had swallowed the Wraith Wolf and prevented him from confirming his kill, so it had all worked out for the monster in the end.

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