Older dreams and deeper nightmares
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rncopy.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Shorter responses are fine with me, ^=^ And don’t worry about it!
Is Obsidon like a long/broad sword?

The monster dodged her blade easily, his movements unnervingly similar to that of Corvus. It was as if this were battle were fated to occur—but it was not as if the warrior believed in coincidence. Everything happened for a reason, and upon this night, within this Dreaming, she fought this creature. The Raven Dreamer could feel the reason, could feel the purpose, but she could explain it no further than that. She knew only what must be done. Once more that satisfaction, that wild ferocity, leapt up like a flame with the song of golden chords. The blade leapt within her hand also, its song a fierce snarl as it bit the flesh of the one it was now destined to destroy. Even as Obsidon drew first blood, VoidFane’s claws lashed out. The woman leaned back, although the claws grazed her neck, jumping as she turned her hips to cartwheel herself over the still moving blade that now served as the stationary fulcrum. Her legs could have struck her attacker, but he had already leapt back several paces and had gone out of her reach.

The woad warrior immediately righted herself, raising the blade to stand between them once more. As the beast began to circle her, the woman resisted the natural instinct to do the same. Her mind was alerted, raised up suddenly as if receiving a surprised jolt. The blade felt a little more comfortable within her hands as she refused to give the black giant the higher ground. Closing the distance between them once more, the woad marked fae attacked, bringing the blade up in a circling arc above her head before swinging it down once more to cut him. As the blade’s path began to return to her, the woman grabbed the hilt and thrust forward, attempting to run him through as the shadows had done, placing herself dangerously close to the black male to achieve this end.


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