Like a hell-broth boil and bubble
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    When he killed as of late it had become no longer for the flesh to sustain his body, but for the blood that he so strongly desired. This peculiar desire had grown stronger and stronger the older he got, until thoughts of truly eating honestly nauseated the boy. He was thinner than he should be, and smaller than his age warranted, but Jael longed for only one thing when he killed and it burned through him like a lust he shouldn't know, feverish and bright.
    A tawny rabbit hanging limp from his jaws, Jael laid the corpse between his paws and licked at the gaping wound in it's neck. His body craved something more than hare's blood, and he chewed apathetically at the creature's shoulder, not wishing for that either. Frustration began to grow as he lay there, gaze turning toward the blood-hued sea. Was he sick? Would he die? His stomach turned in response and he rose angrily, kicking out at his prey and spraying sand across the beach. Fangs bared and hair bristling, another's presence entered his awareness.
    Dull snarl dying on his lips, Jael thrust his muzzle into the salt-soaked air to find the being he sensed. Faint smell drifted again toward him as the breeze shifted and the pale boy leapt over a pile of driftwood. Nails biting into the wood for leverage, he halted in his tracks as soon as he landed, paws sinking slightly into the soft sand. Awkwardness around others momentarily raised it's head, reminding him of the hated life he'd lead thus far, but he bit it back like bile, watching as the dark woman squeezed the life from a small lizard.
    Amusement and intrigue now consumed his emotions and he took a few steps toward the she-wolf, laying down in the sand and resting his chin on his paws. Cocking his head like the puppy he was and regarding the woman with curiosity, Jael said, "Now what did that lizard ever do to you? Or is asphyxiating small animals simply a popular pastime of yours?" He highly doubted she had honestly been offended by the reptile, and leaned further toward the latter in his beliefs.

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