sing us a song to stop the silence.
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    Quickly he would grow tired of playing the same short piece again and again--the sounds redundant to the point of boredom. But before this could happen, Jael was interrupted by a voice that underlaid the sound of the violin. Bow in one hand, instrument in the other, the pale boy turned around to peer at the strange woman that had entered the room. A compliment had been given, though the wolf was faintly ashamed of his lack of musical variety. "Thank you," he replied quietly, thrown off by this intrusion on his solitude. As always, his awkwardness around others rose to the surface. His father had attempted to teach him all wolves were worthless, backstabbing scum, while coyotes reigned supreme.
    But Jael was a wolf and looked like a wolf, and so was struck by the dichotomy of the situation. That, coupled with the fact his father was the real traitor, having betrayed his own family and pack for the sake of a single wolf. "Um," he muttered, embarrassed further by his own awkwardness. "I can't play anything else though.. I'm still learning," Jael muttered, voice sinking further under his breath with each syllable. Lips curved into a soft smile, attempting to cover up his inability to socialize with false confidence and outward friendliness.

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