sing us a song to stop the silence.
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"She's a wild heart"

She had left her pack lands to get away from Leroy. If anything Svara didn't want to be around her Ex-mate right now. The freedom she felt of no longer being mated was amazing. Of course the constable didn't not love Leroy, she just didn't think their relationship was working for either of them. Red long locks hung down her shoulders and back today, not tied up like it usually was. The weather was enjoyable and as an healer she had decided to go find herbs. Shoving one into her bag she was carrying her ears flicked as the sound of music traveled through the air. It was a good tune with a good ear, but it wasn't anything special.

Moving ahead Svara continued to collect what she found. Her body was still rittled with cuts, scars, brusises and a fucked up tail, in all she was able to forget about the imperfections. As she moved forwards her thoughts went to Jac and a smile came to her maw. He was interesting, definitly egotistical, an adventure in her books. She had progressed closer to the musician in her findings, not that she was bothered to much by it. Two scents shifted in the air, one was a males and another was a females, and it was slightly familiar.

Moving closer she saw two white bodies and couldn't help but feel the urge to irritate. As the constable got closer it dawned on her who the white she wolf was, and she had to fight back the laughter fighting to escape. When was the last time she had seen the complaining whelp........Plara? Svara couldn't even remember what the girls name was. Walking up to the two the red she wolf looked to the male and winked, an arrogant and flipant gesture. Letting her yellow eyes go to the white girl Svara snorted. "Do you interupt everything good?" Her yellow eyes were condensending to the white she wolf. Oh, there was fun yet to be had.


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