Can we fix it?


Although her main attention had been elsewhere, the girl quickly noticed the black and white male’s approach. Her light ears folded backwards in silent awe to see a stranger so close to the Aston family den. The immediate discomfort that always seemed to rush to her whenever strangers made their appearances made her slightly sad, because she was starting to realize that this was not how it should be. Brennt, the puppy eater, had scared her so much that the fear and panic always grabbed out after her whenever a new face looked in her direction. The approaching man did not seem hostile in any way. Actually, he seemed to take care to not seem threatening. Of course, her vivid imagination suggested that it was because he wanted to get closer to eat her, but her more sensible mind assured her that this was hardly the case. However, the girl’s body grew slightly stiff as the other man came closer, yet she was determined that he was not necessarily a bad man just because he did not belong to these lands. The girl did not really ponder the reason why a trespasser was this far into the territories. Uncle Ho came here all the time because he was family and her friend, so maybe this guy had friends here as well? Actually, he smelled slightly like Uncle Ho (of Phoenix Valley, to be more specific), and some of her guard dropped instantly when she recognized that scent.

His voice was kind, and he crouched down to her level, executing the big difference in height. She liked that. He did not immediately grab after Baby Duck to eat it either, so he had to be a very nice man. Some people wanted to eat her little baby, but the child would not allow such a thing. A good mommy did not let people eat her babies, the girl knew at least that much. The stupid duckling did not know better, and wobbled in-between the two canines and randomly around in circles and random paths close to its guardian. ”Hello Man, you smell like my uncle, so I don’t think you will eat me like Brennt.” the girl said clumsily to the man. He looked a bit weird, his markings slightly alien to her. He had to be a wolf, but he did not look entirely like one. ”I am not strolling my baby, I am repairing its room.” Noir pointed at the poorly maintained rabbit house with her snout. She did not know how to repair the thing, but even though she did not know how, she still wanted to somehow do it without mommy’s help.

Her golden gaze returned to the man with the light eyes, silently wondering who he was. “I am Noir and this is Baby Duck.” Maybe he would offer her his own name in return. The girl had early learned to be polite, and tried to follow those basic rules as well as she could. It always paid off being a kind to other people, because they always seemed to respond with kindness, except for that horrible wolf that had tried to eat her!


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