Let the right one in
It was almost a bit comical how the white female entered, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was occupied, and the fact that the occupant was present. Halo could only stare in surprise of such an invasion of her newfound home, and only moments after the Inferni coyote had entered the room, she slowly turned around to find Halo’s figure. Until now, the dark girl’s face had been blank, but the Lykoi girl recovered quickly enough and hardened her ruby gaze as she studied the girl. Jesus, didn’t people know how to knock? The newly accepted Inferni girl leaned against the bed, using both her arms as support, and spent a few seconds merely staring at the other. White pelt had to mean there was a mixture of spirits inside her, right? The youth found herself judging other people’s appearances very easily. Hell, she could probably announce it as a hobby. The dress the white woman was wearing, however, was very pretty. Although Halo never used such elegant clothing herself, she could not deny good taste when she saw it. Clothing like that did not really fit the Lykoi girl, but that did not automatically mean that it was not pretty.

”What?” the dark girl vocally challenged, although there was nothing really that could be challenged. Halo’s nose was a fine one, and the room had been unoccupied for quite a while according to the scent molecules dancing around in the air, so she did not really get what was the deal here. The youth had yet to open the closet to see the clothing there, so she was rather taken back by the fact that people seemed to storm into random rooms just like this. There was no big deal about this, but Halo had a sense for drama when it was not needed.


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