I am as sweet as candy


She wrinkled her nose a bit when he mentioned wine. Was it sweet? The girl had her doubts, as the scented liquid did not smell particularly sweet. No, rather sour in her opinion, actually. Despite her frown, her eyes did not stop twinkling. After all, there was nothing wrong with suggestions. It was just a matter of taste, and she had already judged wine before she had ever tasted it. She seemed to do that a lot; judging without any evidence for or against. Although she would normally have pushed a male like this away almost instantly, she felt the need to explore him further, as there was definitely something there that made him interesting. Waltzing back and forth was merely a strange test to see if she would be able to maintain his interest. She seemed to be able to do so, and the fact excited her.

The Inferni member gave a girlish giggle as he played along with her playful behaviour. She was a maiden in sore need for her shining knight. His voice was thick and masculine,seductive. Their fingers interlaced tightly, and the girl was reminded of the game she was playing, but the thought of pulling away did not cross her mind. A few drops had already found her silky hair, and she was certain there would be more. Her smug grin only increased by this fact. Her knight’s gaze bravely sought for shelter, and after a moment he started to coach her back towards the restaurant he had excited not too long ago. She elegantly followed, taking light ballet steps, her scene hair floating behind her.

She let her arms dramatically rise to defend her hair from the falling drops, playing her role as fragile flower in an incoming storm rather well. She let his strong arm pull her along, her movement slow. When they were finally safe inside, the back of her clothes were already partly wet. Perfect. She let a shiver run through her body for extra effect. ”Oh, no, it got me,” the youth complained sadly, a hand brushing the water stained spots on her back. Wet clothes were uncomfortable, and there was only one solution for that. Still, with that one hand interlaced with his, she let her other slide smoothly from her back around to her flat belly, fingers finding the brim of her dark shirt, slightly lifting the cloth to reveal some extra skin that might hint that she would need an extra hand to pull the clothes off.


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