Underneath the skin

Her voice sounded soothingly, and her shadow came to get him. It slowly crept up to him and cast its darkness over him, but together with her shadow, the woman too came closer. There was nothing better for a wiping child than an adult that knew how to soothe and comfort an upset soul. The Rosea’s face grew large as she drew closer than she had ever been before, and a large tongue swept across his wet face. The boy hiccupped pathetically, and could not make his eyes let go of the ground. His paw pushed against the ground, slowly moving in a tiny circle. Conor did nothing whatsoever to return the woman’s kind nuzzle nor give any visible reaction, but the adult would quickly notice that it had helped. He felt slightly calmer, helped by her immediate kindness and soft words.

The violet eyed boy knew nothing about the blame the light woman deserved. He knew nothing of details. Actually, he knew nothing at all. All the blame had been pushed over to his father alone, and perhaps Conor too had some part in the blame because he was not good enough. Mommy was gone, that was what he knew. Why had the woman brought up the subject if she was sorry? He had not been too depressed, but now he felt worse and it was partly her fault. Lilac eyes finally rose to settle at her icy blue ones, accusation apparent in his wet expression. ”Okay,” the boy said, his voice slightly shaky. Actually it was okay, he decided. ”Cercelee has white-blue eyes, cold. Is Cercelee mean and cold-like mean?”

The question was slightly silly, as he already knew that she was not a horrible person. He did not know her, but by the way she acted, her position, everything. Or maybe it was just the fact that he wanted to find more kind souls that he could find support in.


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