cramming the world into a (phrase)

All forms, moods, shapes of grief denote me truly, but, Laruku turned another page, uncertain as to what he was looking for, if anything, half-remembering that he was reciting from a different play now and half-knowing and not caring all the same. You know, it's been a long time since I've read any of this. I never knew I had anything memorized until I met you. His voice had more feeling to it than it had had in months, but it was a quiet life all the same, as if putting too much into it would extinguish it all over again. It was nostalgia, he knew, a cold and empty feeling because the past always had things you missed, even if the whole of it was a sad story you never wanted to retell.

Something had changed. That inevitable, careless, irrelevant change, but it was relevant. To some because they derived their own meaning. To him? What was the change to him but simply another in an endless serious of unfortunate events? Absurd. Nothing, always nothing. It's all pointless knowledge unless someone else knows what you're talking about and even then... it isn't like you couldn't've put it in your own words. He turned another page, but his eyes blurred the words on the page. He had something to apologize for as he always did. What did I say to you at the borders? Laruku wasn't sure what friendship was anymore and the term he was only comfortable in using in the past tense. It had been a long time.


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