Wither Rose

The boy rarely thought that any of his ideas were good or worth pursuing, but he had become accostumed to his sister having enough enthusiasm for the both of them anyway. Unlike the diasterous venture to sea however, Arkham saw no real danger in dictating a house "theirs." It would be obvious if someone else had already claimed it as their own and they wandered through so many broken buildings on every trip to the city that any danger from falling ceilings was pretty much a moot point. He gave his sister a quick nudge in reponse to hers and then took a step back, smiling his small smile.

Come on then. Let's go find a house. The grey pup then resumed walking up the street he had been heading down, Did you see anything good over here? Truthfully, Arkham had not spent as much time in the suburbian areas as he had in the more industrialized city, but he already preferred the softer paints and structures to the unfriendly grey towers that rose from the rubble further in.

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