the castle
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Hybrid had been watching him. The boy had entered the house, spent some time dallying about -- most likely thinking flowery thoughts about how pretty and nice it was -- before he exited and sat down on the beach. Hybrid eyed the wolf with disgust. Such a carefree creature should not be allowed to physically exist -- and that sentiment had nothing to do with the grudge Hybrid felt for him. The simple thought of entering a house, wandering around, and then leaving for no reason at all boggled the mind. It boggled Hybrid's mind to be precise. He could feel his lip curling as he regarded the boy sitting there. He was the child who had interrupted his fight with the green-eyed black shewolf. Or, sheluperci. The woman had -- for some reason or another -- refused to part with her life. And then this child had come and distracted Hybrid. The white wolf deserved nothing less than a painful death.

Hybrid approached the boy from behind, stepping lightly through the sparse grass. He edged toward the sand and stones, flattening his ears in annoyance. He moved slowly now, not wanting to disturb his surroundings. The sun was beginning to set, far off in the distance, so Hybrid's shadow was concealed. If the boy was paying attention -- which Hybrid hoped he wasn't -- he might be able to catch Hybrid's scent on the breeze.

Hybrid moved closer, then leaned down, close, closer, to the boy and whispered, "I have come to claim my promise."


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