the protagonist dies in this chapter
-Purposely didn't post this until you went to eat dinner!-

Rachias had been fairly convinced that he wouldn't come looking for her. She was almost certain, now, that he'd meant what he said that day. Accepting that didn't make it hurt any less though. Ahren had taken the time to try and convince her that it wasn't something that she had done wrong and, though she had been fairly unconvinced before, she had come to the conclusion that, if she had done something wrong, she really didn't know what it was. It took a few moments before she was aware enough that her face could be made into a readable expression, which happened to be a very sad expression. Rather pathetic looking, with droopy ears and eyes that shone of hurt.

At the sound of his voice she turned her head away from him, staring off to the right for a short moment before blue eyes finally settled into the dirt. She seated herself even, a sign that she might actually stay and listen, and curled her tail up into the blanket that was still clinging to half of her body. Maybe he was just saying to try and make himself look good again since the whole pack had seen what had gone on. "You acted like I wasn't even there." Her voice was soft and quivered just the slightest, head hung as she sat. Perhaps that was another part in her sadness, it was like she didn't exist.

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