Risk; play my game

indent Fucking something was in that tree. Ahren stared hard at it, and a growl began deep in his chest. It was cut off when a voice startled him, making the blonde jerk and turn his head. Jasper, the odd little boy who had changed so much in such a small amount of time. It took him a moment to recover, and when he did, a bleary grin broke his face. “Hey,” he offered, taking a step back and instantly regretting it. Pain shot up his right leg and he took the weight off it instantly, gritting his teeth. When he looked back up from studying the unseen damage, he caught something he had never noticed before.
indent A faint patch of something that should not have been there, a strange area of fog and mutated forest. It wasn’t solid, it wasn’t anything yet. Ahren just stared, red eyes sharpening as he tried to make out the thing behind his son.


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