Wither Rose

There wasn't much that the girl knew about the history of either pack, not something that she'd taken much interest in. She did know that they were now connected in some twisted way because of her and her brothers. It was likely not something she would ask about either, at least not until she was much older, though she did have it in her mind to go and see if she could find some of her father's supposed family. If she didn't find any then it really wouldn't be a huge deal but, if she did, maybe they would be able to tell her why he seemed so sad all the time.

"I think so." She said quietly, though somewhat unsure. Rachias stayed still a moment, peering at the small house and trying to decide if it was or not. Honestly, she really didn't remember where it had been, though this did look a lot like it. Finally deciding that it really didn't matter, she rushed off after Arkham, who was already halfway in the door. She made it in behind him shortly after, wrinkling her nose almost immediately at the old smell. She would've though, with the broken windows and all, that it wouldn't smell so old. The dust, perhaps. "Doesn't look like anybody live here." She commented, stepping in just a bit more.

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