Oh beautiful lady, why can't you see?
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rncopy.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Could we have this dated for the 14th so that it doesn’t conflict with Cwmfen’s Anu thread? Oh, and this is assuming that Cwmfen still thinks that she has lost her memory.

The warrior walked silently along the beaches. Her mind moved swiftly. Her hunt for those two wolves was never ending, and it would never end until they were dead—or until she was dead. The warrior had a duty to her pack, and she knew that she must protect them. As she had always believed, she knew that she could lay down her life where it was necessary, to fight and die where others could not. And the search to that end, or perhaps to a life in which her protection had been complete, had brought her to this beach. She did not expect either Corvus or Brennt to be upon these beaches, but one could never be too sure. Brennt she felt would never be here; the ocean provided a barrier should he be forced back to it, but the waters would be his death and the yellow-eyed predator would not have been able to escape. For Corvus, she felt that the forests were more suiting with their shade, with their perpetual darkness. But the woman walked upon these shores regardless, her movements fluid as she listened to the incessant whispering of the sea. That sound of eternity ever intrigued the woman, but she never desired the obtaining of eternity that her father did.

The pied Raven flew above her, calling to her in its rough song. The warrior’s soul was at ease, remembering that it had been near the ocean that Onus had first taken her completely. That memory seemed so distant and yet so near, and it was as if the incessant susurrus of the sea had caught it in that web of timeless eternity. And although much time had passed since she had last seen her lover, the woman’s heart was at ease. She had asked of him only for that one night several weeks ago, and he had given that to her. That had been enough, and would be enough. She knew that the time to face her father had grown near; it would not be long until she defeated him or was defeated by him. The Fates knew that path, and the Raven Dreamer knew that her path had been set long ago, even before the moment of her conception. Her trust within the Morrigan was enough for the Warrior of Caledonia.

The woman paused, her white orbs lifting as she ceased in her movements. There, ahead of her, was a familiar personality. More scars adorned the body of that girl she knew well, but the same could be said of herself. The shortened tail—so similar now to Haku’s—and the words upon the girl’s body were not missed by the warrior’s scrutiny. It was a shame that such a fate had befallen the girl. It was a shame that she would never learn. "Svara," the alto melody greeted with a slight dip of her maw. This volatile girl was a subleader of the new pack—what possessed the one-armed dog to allow such a creature to be raised to such a rank escaped the warrior. It was neither dignified nor stable. "I hope that you’re doing better than when I had last heard of you." For some reason, the warrior continued to extend the friendship that had long been discarded by Svara. Perhaps it was due to inter-pack relations, or perhaps the warrior’s diluted emotions did not allow anger to linger for long. And yet, she was still wary—this female was now considered an official threat to the pack because she had attacked Haku. The warrior would have to be careful when interacting with such individuals—why she even chose to do her now was not quite known.


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