Risk; play my game

It was frightening the way that his father's face had changed so suddenly. A grin, confusion, and now suddenly aggressive. Would he really attack? What had Jasper done to piss him off so quickly? It was only as he stared harder at the face of his father that he picked up on what was really happening. Ahren wasn't looking at him. He was looking past him. Startled, Jasper spun around suddenly, stumbling back a few steps from whatever monster may have been there and ready to grab him. What he saw as he spun, though, wasn't so much of a monster. The figure was hazy at first, confusing. "Rusalki?" He said aloud, not even thinking about having to explain it to his father.

The figure seemed to pull itself together slowly and as Jasper watched, he suddenly realized that it wasn't his friend at all. It was very rare that Jasper see ghosts other than Rusalki, mostly it was just in glimpses, as a lot of them seemed to disappear once he was near. Either way, though, it was always startling. "Who are you?" He asked then, shuffling backwards slowly. The fur across the largest portion of his body was on end and, for a second, he looked back over his shoulder to glance at his father. Why couldn't Rusalki be there when he needed him?


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