Oh beautiful lady, why can't you see?
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"She's a wild heart"

It was silent. The waves kept lapping even as darkness consumed the beach, leaving the two women with no light but the moon. It took so long before Cwmfen would answer. Long enough to put Svara on edge and try to accept that Cwmfen may have not ever really given a rats ass about her. When the word finally passed her lips a breath eased from the constables lips. Svara hadn't even noticed that she had been holding her breath. She was young compared to the sable warrior and she knew she was far from finished learning how to control her temper and urges, but she had suceeded so far.

"Some say that the two walk hand in hand." Svara said as she looked into those white eyes. A warrior was made to kill when they were told, that was what Cwmfen didn't understand. She was just another pawn in Cercelee and Haku's struggle against each other. Svara just wished the women wouldn't be stuck inbetween the two when the time came. Svara knew it was coming, Haku was insane, and he was pushing even closer to destroying everything.

It was hard to say you were enemies with a women you felt should be your friend. Cwmfen had stepped on her heart one to many times to just walk in and ask to make it better. No matter how it went she was never good enough for the sable women to trust or even treat like a being in front of her higher command. It didn't matter anymore. This women wasn't part of her life anymore. "You already attacked me Cwmfen. The moment you turned cold eyes on me that day. I came to say goodbye to you, and you threw it in my face. It was like being stabbed." The constable stated sullenly.

Looking up at the stars, the red she wolf smirked ever so slightly. "What if it wasn't you I was attacking Adonis." Those yellow eyes moved back to the sable women. The stars winked at her and she tried to let her heavy heart relax and think of something better, like Haven practicing to be a better knight, or Jac teasing like he usually did, and Firefly with her harsh ways. Svara would gladdly give her life for them. It was good to feel like you had something you belonged to. "I wish this had never happened between us." Svara said with her husky voice, head still tilted to the stars.


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