Risk; play my game

Two-toned eyes were glued to the figure, wide and frightened, and Jasper found himself suddenly unable to move. Bloody and wicked looking, the creature was not something Jasper would ever want to run in to, alive or dead. It was his father's words that brought the boy from his frozen state, except he didn't step back. He couldn't step back, not when the other figure so suddenly appeared. This one, in a haze like the last, formed much quicker than the other. He was slight, much like Jasper, but his fur was black and missing in large patches. Burns were evident all over the ghost, though his face seemed pristine and well kept. Jasper could see the seriousness in his friend's eyes. "Move back!"

That was all it took for Jasper to obey, stumbling backwards a few more steps until he was nearer to his father. By the time Jasper had stopped moving the other ghost had all but vanished, leaving little behind to make Jasper think it was still around. "What was that, Rusalki?" The boy asked quietly, almost afraid to move or speak to loudly. Even more frightening was the fact that his friend did not speak in return, only offering him a stern look.


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