Risk; play my game

Despite the arrival of his friend and the departure of the other, Jasper felt no relief. The expression on Rusalki's face was intense and it scared the boy, along with the fact that he'd never seen Rusalki act in such a way before. "Rusal-" His voice was a half whine, though he wasn't able to finish his words. His father stumbled back suddenly and Jasper spun in surprise, panic taking over his face. "Dad!" Jasper shouted as he fell to the ground, ready to rush to his side. The moment he began moving, though, his father stood. The eyes spoke louder than anything, even the words that were spoken.

Stunned, Jasper could only stand still, having lost track of Rusalki in all of the sudden panic. The quiet and easily frightened boy he was, Jasper felt a hint of moistness as he stood, a puddle forming just beneath him. (Yes folks, he pissed himself.) Come out, it was all the boy was able to decipher from the sudden onslaught of German and he whined at this, confused. "L..l..let him go!" He shouted, though his voice was still as weak as he was and even then he wasn't honestly sure what was happening. Ears pinned back and body shaking, Jasper balled up his fist and went to move forward. He'd sock his father and knock whatever it was out. But, as he stood watching and thinking, Jasper only dropped his arms like dead weight. What else could he do?


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