Risk; play my game

Despite being frightened and completely confused, Jasper now felt worthless on top of it all. He could only watch as his father seemingly argued with himself, threatened himself, and then went back around again. Arguing quickly changed to violence though, the knife came out and Jasper watching, hoping and praying that his father would just snap out of it and go back to normal. Would he watch him hurt himself? Kill himself even? The knife went flying suddenly, Jasper wrenching back out of the way, more as an instant reaction than anything, but it didn't seem over yet. He clawed his face, spoke, and the boy didn't even know if he was talking to him or not.

He was only just starting to decipher what was his father and what was not when the ghost was expelled, staggering and seeming confused. None-the-less, Jasper scuttled backward a bit, getting himself away from the thing before it was just gone. He wasn't sure what he'd seen, what it was that had happened to the thing, but it was gone. Ahren hit the ground again and it was in that moment that Rusalki had appeared, standing just behind his father. He was giving Jasper that look, the 'you know what you need to do so do it' look that he often gave. Jasper, reluctant and still shaken, eased forward until he was close to his father, dropping to his knees on the ground.

"Dad?" He was whispering, reaching out a shaky hand to touch his father's arm.


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