sing us a song to stop the silence.

Flayra didn't want this to happen, not in front of someone that was new to both of the white girl and the red haired female. However, Svara was the provocative type, that people couldn't seem to stand. However, she had a new scent on her. A scent that wasn't of the packs that she knew of. On the contrary, she did receive word that a pack was formed not far from Crimson Dreams. What was it? Course Miracles? She had no idea. However, what ever the scent that the white girl picked up was new, so maybe it was of the new pack that was recently made. The girl got older, but didn't change at all. So, the real question was, what pack took her in? "Haven't changed much, have you? Though, you have more scars than last time. Too annoying to Haku, were you?"

Well, to be honest, if Svara hated Haku, she wasn't the only one. Flayra didn't like him from the start. Though he was sort of nice when Flayra first met him, she could see the evil that was in his eyes when she looked at him. Not to mention that he said he would make the white girl's life a living hell if she was able to get back into Dahlia. Thinking about it, she was lucky enough to get out while she could. What if would have raped her when she was older? What if he did the same to Svara? "I can't believe I'm saying this, but that is what I miss about you. Your sarcastic, harshful, and inappropriate words. That is what I miss."

The white girl turned to the white male. She would have to warn him of... Svara's capabilities. He spoke softly,"Becareful, she is know to be... well, like she is." It was true, no doubt about it. Svara was a bitch.


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