That Day Has Come
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Omg, he's going to hate himself so much for having it happen not only in the city, but so close to his home. Righteous Fury ho! Some PP at the end, just let me know if you want it changed. Oh, and I kind assumed they were on the opposite wall from the door ^^;

Onus had left the city, continuing his search for the crow wolf. Why was he being so elusive? More importantly, how? The man was becoming almost panicked about the situation. He knew there was a ticking clock hanging over his head. Every moment he failed brought Corvus closer to getting what he wanted. No, he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't. He had promised her. Promised her. He never made a promise unless he full well intended to keep it. The sky threatened above him as he walked through the woods, thunder shattering the night air. It did nothing to improve the man's mood. He pitied anyone who decided to cross him tonight. It would be something they would highly regret. The vigilante was not usually on edge, which made him much more dangerous. More feral. More ruthless. Even less forgiving.

He had spent the entire night out looking and once again came up with nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Not even a hint of a whisper about the demon. As he was walking back to the edges of Halifax a somewhat large fallen branch blocked his path. Instead of simply changing his course or walking over it like he usually would have a sudden rage took him and he grabbed the branch hurling it with a snarl against a nearby tree. His face, which he had trained so thoroughly betrayed him, showing his teeth and his fur stood on end. The coyote's hands balled into fists as he continued to stomp back towards the city. He couldn't stand this. All this waiting and looking and finding nothing. A hot flame burned in him, singing his nerves yet making him stronger.

As he reached the very edge of the city suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks. His face melted back into that blank expression that said nothing. No... It felt like a boulder had just been dropped in his stomach. That flame inside of him faltered for a minute and felt as if it might extinguish. But it reared back up and Onus began to run. Faster and somehow slower than he ever had before. The man's heart pounded deafeningly inside his chest and ears. NonononononoNO! He skidded coming around a corner and saw that tree that stood near where his apartment was. Blood was mixing with the water on the ground, leading into the hotel. "NO!" he roared as he bolted inside.

The coyote's senses were heightened, almost painfully so. Blood tainted the air so thickly he almost choked. Not just any blood. Her blood. He followed that unmistakable scent down to one of the hallways and saw a place on the wall where it was smeared. Behind the cloth his eyes smoldered like hot coals and the fire rose in his chest. That righteous fire. Gaze found the closed door and knew that it was probably locked. A growl began to rise in his throat just as a moan came from behind that door. Suddenly that fire seemed to explode in him and his muscles twitched with untamed power. With a furious roar that would strike fear into the hearts of most he threw himself against the door and it easily gave from the force of his fury. And there they were. Onus charged forward, still moving with the force he had broken the door with. With large strength and no mercy his jaws parted to sink into the wolf's neck. When his jaws came together he clamped them as tight as he could. Claws struck out at that recent wound, black talons digging into it, aiming to cause as much pain and damage as possible. His other hand sunk into the flesh of the bastard's side, pushing in deep and raking down.


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