Taking a Break
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sorry for the delay, I've been distracted lately

As the chocolate and cream wolfess flitted about, preparing the cup of tea she had offered him, Rath noted that she seemed nervous about something, especially when he had been looking around her house. It was a lovely home, far better kept than his. Thinking about his own home left the familiar, warm feeling of embarrassment lingering on his cheeks. His house had wood shavings and various other scraps from the few times he had done his work indoors, and the rooms that weren't covered in wood remnants were covered in dust. His entire house had the sort of, old building smell to it and he just hadn't gotten around to cleaning it yet.

When Colibri spoke again about how her tea wasn't that good, Rath simply smiled warmly, sauntering over to the table and taking the clay cup gently in his large hands. "I'm sure it's far better than anything I could have conjured up. Thank you Coli," Rath replied, blowing away the steam that rose from the cup before gingerly taking a sip of the hot liquid. Was it the best tea he had ever had? Certainly not! However, he couldn't help but enjoy the beverage. The faint taste of herbs was far better than murky, minerals of his stream water. "I like it. It seems like you made a good choice of which herbs to use, but you just didn't use enough. I'm sure you'll get it right next time," his tenor voice encouraged as he found his gooseberry hued gaze lingering on the sapphire gaze of the timid wolfess.

When the slender female brought up the subject of her white-furred companion, his white-tufted ears perked in surprise. She hadn't seen her recently? He certainly hadn't. "I'm afraid I haven't seen her since the pack's anniversary celebration. Come to think of it, I haven't seen anyone really, except that little pup Catalyst de Sadira. I've been a bit absorbed in my work lately. I only decided to take a break today to seek out some company. I count myself extremely fortunate that I found you..." He trailed off again when he realized that his old habit of rambling had just gotten him into trouble again. Well, it was a sort of trouble anyway. He hadn't wanted to tell her that he'd outright been looking for her. That might frighten her off and he'd never get the chance to talk with her. Oh, how he hoped she would just disregard his comment. He was glad he had found her, yes, and he didn't want their conversation to end before it had really begun.


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