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You posted this at the same time I returned from absence, so it's all good. Tongue 300+

          It probably would have been just another adult to Catalyst if she had known Ril'o on a casual basis. Another adult that was in the ranks, did his duty, and that was it. Not to say that Catalyst didn't appreciate the adults that were here, for Cwmfen was one that she looked up to, Colibri was pleasant, and Henratha amazed her with his complex skill, but other than that, her mind wouldn't be as wracked with their haunting like Ril'o was. For heaven's sake, she didn't even receive his name until after death. There was so much potential that could have been sought in their conversation, especially when that strange coyote was around during the time, and Ril'o simply left the scene on accords to not deal with the creature. So much could have been said and done, but now it was all just done completely. No coming back, no making amends. Extinction was forever.

          There was something about the tawny adult here that made the flesh underneath her alabaster pelt shiver with a chill. Perhaps it was his stare, or maybe his size, or just the fact that there was intimidating vibes that were radiating off him. Whatever it was, this guy certainly wasn't someone to mess with, and the way he looked now, it was as if he was even more perturbed than he should have looked. Swallowing what was accumulated in her throat, the ivory girl was actually surprised a little that all of a sudden he requested for her name. There was a pause, as if she had forgotten to speak, but cleared her head immediately. "Catalyst... Catalyst de Sadira." She said plainly, simply. With the way this male was so intimidating to her, she really wasn't sure how to respond or what to ask in return from him. "What's yours?" She then asked, unaware of his rank, or who he truly was in the pack (granted that Cercelee probably did mention his name, but she might have been just too busy frolicking with the rest of her siblings at the time).


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