That Day Has Come
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The man knelt there, looking at her, willing her eyes to open. He had not expected it to be this bad. For her to look this bad. He had tried to his best to keep the possibility that this would happen to her from his mind, but when it had seeped in he had never imagined she would be so harmed. Wounds riddled her body and her blood loss was severe. He had no idea how many times Corvus had...used her. Abused her. Onus had to will the moisture away from his eyes. I promised her. I promised her and failed and look what happened. He would never forgive himself for this. The image of her like this would always haunt him and remind him of his biggest failure. Even his victory over the devil was overshadowed by his unbelievable guilt.

But then her eyes opened and he had never been happier to see those two moons. She breathed his name, though her voice was barely there. But her face turned from him and his chest seized. "Cwmfen, I..." Onus ground his teeth and had to resist the urge to punch through the floorboards beneath him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I...I failed you..." The vigilante had never apologized for anything in his life. Had never felt this crippling guilt and loss of self worth. She meant the world to him and yet he had been unable to protect her. Her nightmare was gone now, but it had already done what it wanted with her. Her body was battered and broken and he only hoped that her spirit wasn't in the same condition. If it was it was his fault. Her being like this at all was his fault. All his efforts to prevent this had turned to ash.

He rose up, knowing he couldn't sit there and mope. She needed medical attention. He was no healer, but he had a basic knowledge. How to tie tourniquets, cleanse wounds, bandage, and sew up those that needed it. His stitching was awful, but there was no time to find her anyone else. He moved to his emergency kit in the kitchen of the room. He took out clean cloths, alcohol, bandages, a thread and needle and poured some water he had bottled into a shallow bowl. Onus returned to the bedside with the supplies. He placed one hand under her head, lifting it up and holding the edge of the bowl to her lips. "You need to drink, at least a little." After that he soaked a few cloths in alcohol. "I'm sorry I don't have any painkillers, and this is going to hurt." As tenderly as he could he began to dab at her wounds with the alcohol soaked cloth. He wished he didn't have to do this. She had suffered so much already. But if he didn't she would die.


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