Walking with a Ghost
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table4.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
You want to do one more reply, and then we can close it, Alli?

Each of her children were different in their own ways, and Naniko was proud of all of them. Even Salem...even though he'd left. She could understand that he had wanted something different than the life that she had made here for him. In Crimson Dreams he would have been protected, loved, and cared for...but he had wanted to make his own way in the world. He was an adult, and it was his choice. She couldn't not be proud of him for wanting to make his own choices. Maybe he was more like her than she knew.

All of them were a little like her, in different ways. She nodded at the news of Dahlia. She thought to offer her help, but what did she know about fighting? Next to nothing. So she kept her mouth shut until he'd finished and had abruptly left. Onus seemed odd to her with his mannerisms, but he had saved Mati...so he had to be good. Naniko watched him go, then turned back to her injured daughter. "You should try and sleep now, sweetie. We can talk more later after you've rested."


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