Let the right one in
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She had lived in Northern Canada before, a place where the snow never melted or went away. Being in Inferni had been an all new experience...something that she was still experiencing, even now. She had never felt such heat before in her life. The house seemed to trap it, even moreso upstairs, so she had been preoccupied with that as well. This bedroom felt extremely hot to her, whereas it might not have felt too bad to someone who had been born in warmer temperatures.

It was simple to her, the idea of leaving and living with Haven. Ezekiel was the only thing that made her hesistate. She didn't want to hurt him or make him angry with her...not after everything that he had done for her.

She was surprised, but looked back at the other female evenly. She didn't know this new coyote...but to be inside Inferni and Inferni's house..well, she had to be a new member. Siobhan was a middle-ranked coyote, not low but not high. Did that mean anything in this situation? She'd never worried about such a thing before. "This is your room?" She asked. "Siobhan was storing some things here...she did not know it belonged to anyone."

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