That Day Has Come
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The coyote wanted to hear her voice, though he knew she didn't have the strength for it. His chest felt empty, void of something. But he knew what that something was. He couldn't even feel the organ beat anymore, even though it was evidenced by the continued weeping of blood from his shoulder and arms. He wondered if things would ever be the same. While nothing could change how he felt towards her, he didn't know if it was the same for her. Maybe his failure to protect her had changed the way she thought of him. Maybe she didn't want to be around a male anymore in any type of intimate setting. Onus wouldn't be able to blame her if that were the case. The man had seen what happened with rape victims. Their response was only logical, though to be separated from her would break him.

He was thankful she was able to drink the water. It was important. With all the blood loss she would be incredibly dehydrated. She needed to replenish her liquids. While it had been expected, at the sharp intake of her breath he winced and his ears fell back against his head. Though her body didn't recoil or flinch. That was only because of how weak she was though. He noticed her eyes close and the tear that fell from them. Was it the pain or something else? That was a foolish question though. She wasn't the type to cry from any physical pain. Onus heaved a sigh and continued to clean and disinfect the wounds. He was thankful to see that most of them were superficial. There was a large one on her leg though. It would needed to be stitched up. After he had cleaned that one he saw the burned marks on her inner thigh. That bastard... Lightly he put his hand on the outside of that thigh. "I need to clean this burn too." Even in her weakened state it was plausible that she would try and fight off any touch so close to the place she had been abused.

Finally finished with that task, he threw the bloodied cloths in the trash and disinfected his own hands with some alcohol. I suppose I should pour some on my own. Quickly he poured the clear, strong smelling liquid over his shoulder and arms, clenching his teeth as it burned and cleansed them. Then he picked up the needle and soaked it for a moment or two in the alcohol as well. Carefully he threaded it and moved to start stitching on her leg. "This on your leg needs to be stitched up, the one on your neck as well." Onus didn't know if talking her through it helped her at all or made it worse, but it was all he could think to do. His stitching was clumsy, but it would suffice. Finished with her leg he moved to her neck. He held the uninjured side as his needle worked to close the skin back up.

The last thing was to bandage up the wounds that needed it. He wrapped the gauze around her neck and leg, protecting what he had stitched back together. A couple other places needed wrapping to, but the rest would be find to heal on their own. He moved to refill the bowl with water and brought it back to her, propping her head up as he had before and bringing it to her mouth. "Drink some more. Then you should probably try and sleep, if you can." Now that he had done all he could for her he would need to wrap his own injuries, at least as best he could. His arms wouldn't be a problem, but the shoulder might have to just wait.


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