when our mouths are filled with fire

With that much meat, the pair could have a small get-together if they wanted to. Hemming's cave wasn't too far away from Ember and Tayui's, and nice fresh meat would be a good treat for the puppies compared to what they were probably catching on their own. She could remember those days herself, the days when she had been young. She was only two years old, yes, but she'd experienced enough for a lifetime. Love, loss, sharing and friendship. It was all anybody needed.

She handed him back one of each kind of spear. "See what you like. Or maybe we could use both of them...and throw with both hands? Or is that a bad idea?" She'd never handled a spear before. How were they supposed to be thrown? Oh well. If this hunt didn't go well they could practice and use the hunt as an example for the next time.


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