Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes

.......out of character

That explanation seemed to satisfy her, but a few seconds after she had recieved his words she had another question. "Can I have one? Where do you get them? Did you bring it from home? Where did you come from?" He smelled strange to her, not like any place she'd been before. Definitely not like Crimson Dreams. Did she smell like Phoenix Valley and Jefferson? She wasn't his child by blood, but she had taken his last name when he had adopted her. He'd been the one to find her, after all.

"One of my cousins lives here...Naniko. But I's never meeted her." She said, looking off into the packlands. "We has almost the same last name, me and Naniko. But I was adopted...so I got two last names. A D'angelo and a Soul."

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