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"She's a wild heart"

She woke up again. What the fuck did they want this time?! Why was it they had to keep calling for someone? Jac was good enough, and she could leave it to him, but she was already awake and it wasn't like she needed to be sleeping anyways, but after getting the girl last night she hadn't slept, she had been wet and sticky. The constable threw back the covers of her comfy bed and sighed. It just wasn't worth trying, maybe sleep was no longer her friend.

Getting up she stretched her tired and sore body. Her hair was all over the place, sticking up in places making her look like she had wild sex. When in fact she had been tossing and turning all night with no pleasure what so ever. There was a mirror in her bedroom, that and the bed was all that she had so far. Looking at herself in the mirror with her one good eye Svara almost wanted to cry at the shambles her body had become. Scars every where, and the ones over her eyes, her tail now shorter, but not by much.

She didn't look so bad, her eyes were almost the same, other then the one being a little duler. The scars weren't so bad, and she had kinda forgotten about the word on her back. Her tail wouldn't be so bad once the fur grew out and came to a point, hiding the fact it had been bitten. Sighing she grabbed the only free floating object, a hair brush, and started into her straight hair. It took her about ten minutes to get through the tangles and pull it up into a pony tail, her bangs thick around her face. Svara looked in the mirror and smiled, she wasn't hidious because of the scars.

Leaving the house she made sure to shut the door hard and wake everyone else up on her way out. If she couldn't sleep then the others had to wake up. Moving to the border she picked up a good pace, walking through the woods and cutting up to where she knew Haven had called. A grin pulled at the she wolfs maw. The boy had grown on her, he was cute with his little valor ideas. Svara was to deluded for such things. A few moments later she found him, but it wasn't just him. A white coyote girl in a red dress stood with him. She was beautiful, and standing holding the Aatte boy's hand such, the constable knew they were together.

Coming to stand before them Svara didn't even look at the girl, letting her gaze slide over to Haven. "You woke me up." Was all she said as her yellow eyes narrowed on him. Crossing her arms she thought about how to approach this subject. Then she reliazed she didn't really care. "What do you want boy?" The testy leader asked in her husky voice. So she was a little snippity today, but it wasn't her fault she got rained on and didn't get any sleep.


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