Can we fix it?

Wherever you want to find the stuff. 500+

He smiled at her, and of course the blonde girl could do nothing but smile back. His words made her ears flicker backwards in caution. His words confirmed that he would not eat her, but he made it sound like he could eat puppies if he was in the right mood. Noir’s eyes stayed on him, not feeling completely safe despite his light mood. Despair filled her head for a moment, settling on her face as well for only a split moment. She did not want to feel this way. She wanted to be happy and feel safe. Strangers were not bad, only one had been. That one loner had been so frightening that she could not escape the uncomfortable feeling that rose when she met new people from outside of Dahlia. She reminded herself that he most likely was Uncle Ho’s friends, and her face relaxed again.

He did not seem to want to eat her baby either, which was a very good thing, because he was not food, he was a baby, and people should not eat babies. Not her babies anyways. Lysander the duck house fixer extraordainaie. Extraoorli. Extra. Ordinaire. The child huffed, wanting to repeat his words but doubted she would get the last word right. Her golden eyes took in his steel ones, and she let her tail resume its usual wag. ”Duck house fixer man, whoah, I need a Duck house fixer man, and so does Baby Duck because he needs a Duck house and a Duck house fixer man to fix the house that needs fixing.” The girl’s voice was strained in the end, out of air. The girl inhaled deeply, though proud because she had made such a long sentence without having to make a break to inhale in the middle of it.

Tools? The girl took a moment to turn around in a useless circle. Yes. Her Mommy had found that too so that the house could be fixed. ”Yes, is over there!” the girl said, pointing her head in a random direction, not actually knowing if there was anything in that direction. ”Mommy said she had found wood and things to repair with but I do not know where.” the child said with a touch of sadness attached to her golden voice. She started to step around aimlessly, wondering where tools and wood could be. She knew that trees had wood in them, but she did not know how to make trees into wood. Maybe it was in the den? How did tools look like? The girl felt useless, but the Duck house fixer extranaire could not be! ”Maybe tools in den, go look?”

The girl did not think about that her family might get sour if they found a stranger’s scent inside their den, but Noir did not know what to look for. She would explain anyway. There was nothing in the world that could not be solved. Her family could never stay angry with her for long, at least not her light mother.


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