Let the right one in
The thought of ranks were far from Halo’s mind, and would stay that way unless it was mentioned by the other. Halo enjoyed privacy, and cherished the feeling now with a few days alone from her always fighting siblings. She was irritated because of the female’s intrusion, but did not yet know why to other youth had waltzed in like this. Her mind had not really get that far either, because she her focus was busy studying the other’s unique appearance. Jael was white, but so wolf like. This girl seemed all coyote, but with such a colour it could not be possible unless she was an alabaster freak, but that should have granted her a pink nose as well. Odd, just odd.

”Yes.” The word whistled through her clenched teeth only a moment after the question had sounded. The next words took a few seconds more to digest, because the other coyote started to talk about a person named Siobhan. ”Couldn’t Siobhan have come and gotten it herself instead of sending her maid?” the girl spat out, sounding much more harsher than she had intended. Her stare stayed at the girl in her pretty dress though, never faltering. Crap, she was not good with her first impressions here in Inferni.


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