That Day Has Come
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Onus didn't recall falling asleep. Didn't know when that weariness had been too much for him to stand so it had swept his consciousness away. At first his sleep was untroubled. Empty, as it always had been. While the fight with Corvus had not lasted long, the energy that he had used in it had been tremendous. The fury that had fueled him had made the amount of his strength that he was using impossible to gauge. Even if he had been in his right mind to gauge it he might not have. Because in those moments all he cared about was ending that creature's life. All he had cared about was spilling blood and rending flesh. Even after the rage had faded he had kept going, tending to Cwmfen's injuries and then taking care of the body and the room while she slept. After all those tasks had been completed, his energy had run out.

In those last portions of his slumber though, images began to run before his eyes. Over and over again he saw the sight he had seen as he had crashed through that locked door. The coyote twitched in his sleep, not wanting to see what his mind was showing him. He saw that brute's body covering her's, using her, taking her against her will. Onus' stomach turned and even in his sleep he thought he might retch. Silently he called out for his mind to stop, for the images to stop. He didn't want to see them. He didn't want to see how much he had failed his love. Then a sound rose in his ears. At first it was indiscernible, but as it rose in volume it was unmistakable. That moan. Her moan that he had heard right before he had broken the door with his body. The volume became louder and louder and he felt himself shiver just as something brushed his face.

The man's head shot up, his face startled and drained. But then those onyx eyes saw those woad banded fingers reaching out towards him. Gaze moved to her face and saw that the weariness was not nearly as strong as it had been in her peerless orbs. His arm moved to lift his hand and found that he still held his eye wrap. He must have fallen asleep while he was still cleaning it. Onus placed it on the floor and took her fingers in his hand. Once again his eyes sought her's. "Cwmfen..." His voice faded and he found he didn't know what to say. What could he say? Did she remember his apology? Perhaps he should say it again in case she didn't.


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