Broken home

There were a lot of youngsters running around now, ones that would soon be learning how to shift. Naniko's own experience with her first-time-shifting had not been good ones; she'd turned into a werewolf because of stress, and because of a situation she had been put into. She could remember it even now, the day that she had done it for the first time. She had gone off to look for her adopted mother, and had found her...but Iskata had tried to attack her. She had been crazy. Naniko had ended up having to shift to try and defend herself.

"Yes--I learned when I was around your age, I think"She answered, then continued. "Jasper's a pretty cool wolf-but no, I didn't know that. Is it nice staying in a tree? It's strange--he lives above, in the tree branches...and I live below. My den is beneath a very large willow tree, between all the roots" She wondered a little about telling him about shifting. "Did your parents know how to shift into a two-legged form? If they could do it, it means that you probably can, too. If your parents can't, though, then you'd have to get bitten, or cut, and share blood with someone that's a werewolf to become one"


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