soft spoken with a broken jaw

     More surprising to himself than others, the brute's lips upturned into a modest smile at the mention that Kansas had been graced with a mate, which obviously meant the bundle of joy in the woman's arms was his child. Briefly, Jefferson regretted bringing news of Iskata's death back into the air when the child commented on it. Kansas had struck him as the humble type; it was hardly a surprise that he had never discussed his parents with his children, being that they were still a bit young to even understand the concept of death. But hell, what did he know? He was a parent in name only; Jefferson had raised Addison, but hadn't been the one to graciously donate the seed required for creation. Somewhere along the line he'd unknowingly fathered a trio that, after he'd absent from their lives for a year, now sought after his blood. Some father he was turning out to be.

     Her name didn't quite strike a bell, but that went without saying. Jefferson had little to do with Crimson Dreams despite his title and status and tagalong he'd inherited as a pack member when she'd decided her old pack was too much. "She's... a whimsical soul," he shrugged. It was the only thing that came to mind that was appropriate in describing her to a former friend and leader. He supposed mentioning that she was a nagging, persistent little weed always prying for questions probably wouldn't have made much of an impression on the dark-colored girl. "As far as I can tell, she enjoys my land. I met her before she left you, but it was a few weeks later that she returned asking to stay. She's never given me a reason more than 'complications' of some sort, and though I've told her to go back... she won't. Figures she has a job to do or something." Savina didn't need to know what that job was, as it would have been more suspicious that Geneva had gotten so willingly involved with the Patriarch's daily life. Green eye shifted back to the white thing that sat beside her, for a moment regretting that he had nothing he could ask him. That one was awfully quiet.


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