You drove me Away

[Image: anderungtablebelltower.png]

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You ’say This’.

ooc; D8 Even shorter. Ah well, I had a lot of freakin’ homework (new semester) ><


Anderung smiled at the Gamma. ’Now he’s your pack mate. I should probably start socializing, and getting to know the others.’ Meer had been without companionship for a long time now, and she was craving it. The amber female wanted nothing more than to talk to someone, to huddle up in the cold months with the pack. To sing with them. There is something deep inside every wolf that wants that, it’s in their blood, in their very soul. She took a few steps forward before she looked at Pilot, having heard his request.

”I’m sorry, Sir, err, Pilot. My name is Anderung Meer. It means ‘Changing Sea’, if you want to know.” She smiled, her violet eyes switching over to Deirdre. ”Would you? I would like it very much, Deirdre.” Anderung bowed her head slightly to the other female. Then she walked over next to Pilot. ”I guess I’ll see you later then. Please lead on, Deirdre.” Meer flashed a smile at Pilot before walking over to Deirdre, ready to follow when she was.


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