we think we live forever

He shouldn’t be here. It was not fear that kept him closer to the pack lands. He was trying to be careful. The man was careful, his muzzle lifting to take in the summer air ever so often to check out the aromas that swirled around him. The large beast huffed, his disgust for the season in full bloom. Haku Soul’s claws clicked against the pieces of concrete. Give or take a few more decades and the area would again be green and the visible signs of humans would be even more forgotten. Perhaps one day, they would finally cease to exist, even in the memories of the creature they once had hunted. A low rumble caressed his throat and the man was slowly starting to ponder if he was to find a spot where he could crash for a few hours.

The Dahlian man turned around a corner and caught sight of the white male. A white male that looked just a bit too familiar, despite the fact that he knew that he had never laid eyes on the boy before. The ivory male was young, barely an adult at all. The scent of Inferni drifted into his nostrils, but there was something else too. He recognized it, but what was giving off that impression? The man padded forwards towards the individual on top of the car, eyes slightly narrowed. Inferni made his mouth water, but something was wrong. ”Who are you?” the chocolate and brown male demanded, not bothering to go through casualties first. He was way past that.


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