Among the broken mirrors I don't look the same
Blargh, exams! -shot-

She had came here for more than one reason and that reason had almost slipped her mind. The girl had stumbled upon Faolin and wasn't she a strange sight to see. The woman had looked starved and half crazed talking about Inferni being destroyed and everyone was dead. Midnight was not even sure if the woman had noticed her at all, but had just started blankly through her, her red eyes clouded over, a sort of madness enveloping her. Midnight shuddered as she thought about her sister that way. It was a strange sight to see, but after falling asleep next to her Faolin had upped and disappeared before she woke up the next morning. The white girl had tried to search for her, but there was nothing to be found.

Midnight clicked her teeth together as she sat there at the borders of Inferni. She wanted to find Gabriel, to figure out what happened, what went wrong and wondering why the hell Faolin thought he was dead. She was quite known for her prescience amongst her siblings, but this was something that definitely threw her off. Maybe the lands were filled with disease, but everything seemed to be just fine here. The girl gave a startled flick of her ears as the sound of another voice filled her thoughts. Hi there. The alabaster femme turned her silky muzzle to the female in question and gave a slight tip of her head, watching her in silence trying to figure out whether this was one of their kids. She had heard of her sister being pregnant, but she was not quite sure how old those pups would be now.

So, without making the girl wait any longer, Midnight gave a friendly dip of her head. Opening her mouth slightly to speak, but she shut it abruptly again. Not sure what to do, let alone say, considering she had not uttered a single word in months. It was strange, but speaking was hardly something she could do at the moment. Hence her dilemma with finding Gabriel. It would be hard to explain if she could not directly tell him.

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