Look right through me..
Req (300)

The man rested easily outside his cabin, experiencing one of his rare tranquil moments. There was not a sound except for white noise. The house was empty. At last. It had been a mistake to not request for someone else to take the puppies, but both the boys had taken the matter into their own hands. The home belonged to only Haku now, and that was how he wanted it to be. He had never kept it from the pack that he was a bad father. He had said he would try, but he had also openly said that he simply was not cut that way. He needed to regain control, more than anything. Svara had been splendid fun, but he had not known that a new pack had been in the making. Of course, they had put her as sub leader. He could not understand why. The new pack had already damaged their reputation before they had even begun by placing her on the top. Svara Thames had none of those abilities that was required of a leader. Their bad though. He hoped that pack would burn.

The man’s shortened tail moved lazily behind his stretched out body, keeping a particularly annoying fly on distance. The Lilium’s eyes were half closed. He was well relaxed. The nights were slowly becoming his days, and so he spent his days slumbering more and more. The wolf laid his head down on top of his cream painted paws, finally letting his eyes close. The Lilium’s current state could hint of what he could have been, if a corruption had not been eating away on him. He could have been a great man if he had only managed to stay sane. His face smoothed out peacefully along with slow, steady breaths. Regardless of what signals his unconscious body gave off, his dreams were dark and rotten, just like the man himself.


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