A dog's life
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... spring.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

OOC: Gah, I need to get posting. Asariel's rank is suffering >.<

Asariel smiled sweetly as Lysander. Hm, she liked his name. It was different than the others she had heard in her lifetime. She listened to him talk while she nibbled away on her meat, nodding slowly as she thought to herself. When she thought about it, he wasn't much different from herself. She tried to stay out of the way of everyone else, though she had met a few of her packmates - DaVinci, Addison, Honoré, and now Lysander.

She looked at him in mild surprise as he handed the other bit of meat to her and she took it almost hesitantly. It was rude to just take others food, even if it was being offered. She took a bite out of it and chewed as he spoke again. Truthfully, she didn't really know the other packmembers very well. She knew that Honoré could be a major pain in the ass, and that DaVinci was kind of the same in his own way, but other than that....

"No...I don't really know too many here. I've had a run in with DaVinci, Addison, and Honoré, but, to say that I know them well would be a lie. I'm friendly, in many ways," she couldn't help but throw that in, just to be a smartass, "but I'm not really the most social. Does that make sense?" She frowned suddenly as she began thinking. Maybe being friendly was just a sort of mask - maybe she wasn't very nice at all. Perhaps she was the super phsyco-bitch from your worst nightmare.


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